Dresscode- Year 12 & 13

The dress code has been created to ensure that all students are role models for the rest of the school. Your attire must be appropriate for the world of work. You will be asked to return home (regardless of distance) and change your appearance if we feel that you are inappropriately dressed - you must then report to the Sixth Form Office on your return to school. Clear retainers should be used for facial piercings.


The Dress Code requires students to wear clothes suitable for a professional working environment such as an office.

The objectives of this dress code are to help:

  • promote self-esteem amongst our students
  • prepare students for the world of work
  • provide our wider community with a positive image of our school

Members of Post-16 will be expected to set a decent and high standard in their personal appearance. Post-16 students will be seen by the rest of the school and will therefore be expected to act as role models and set an example for all other students in their personal appearance.



  • Smart trousers, skirt or dress (smart jacked optional)
  • Skirts or dresses (knee length or longer)
  • Smart shirt or top(no low-cut tops, ‘spaghetti string’ straps, no T- shirts)
  • Smart shoes
  • Smart boots




  • No shorts (tailored, chino-style shorts allowed in warm weather)
  • No trainers, joggers or hoodies
  • No denim – this includes denim jackets
  • No slogans on clothing that could be deemed offensive
  • No ear stretchers


It is the role of the student to maintain the boundaries of acceptable business dress and presentation. Students should consult with a member of the Post-16 staff before wearing an item of clothing about which they are unclear as to its suitability.

The judgement of the Principal will be final on matters of acceptable dress and presentation.

All outdoor clothing, including hats, coats and jackets must be removed once inside the academy.

Students will be required to sign a copy of this document, as part of their conditions of enrolment.